Saturday, November 17, 2018

In The Books - 10th Series - So Long Kentucky

The last day and the last test of the 2018 National Retriever Championship is in the books. Series 10 at Siren Field in beautiful Paducah, Kentucky officially finished at 12:18 pm.

Starting with the first running dog #3 who received a no bird, gave time for the Field Trial committee to meet and amend the 10th series just a bit by having the flyer be thrown to the left instead of the right. Calling #19 to the line, who also had a no bird brought up our actual first dog to run this test was #29 at 10:17 am. Taking almost exactly 2 hours to complete this Quad, it averaged almost 11 minutes per dog to run their 10 series.

Here is what happened in the 10th...

No Bird / Rerun: 3 - 19 - 45
Handle: 32 - 55 - 84

What an exciting NRC this was. It has proven to be a challenge during the tests and with the weather.

Sit back as we get ready to announce the 2018 National Retriever Club Champion!!!