Saturday, November 17, 2018

106. NAFC-FC MULLIGAN OFF THE RAINY “T”, “Mully” LM, Wayne Curtis

Black Lab Male, 7/28/2010
FC-AFC CJ's Mister T ex White Oak Rainy River
Breeders: Art & Deanna Strackbein
Owners: Randy & Mary Spangler, Mondovi, WI
Handler: Wayne Curtis - Pro

Open Stats: 44.5 Career Points and 7 Career Wins
NRC Qualifier: 2014, 2016, 2017(F), 2018
Amateur Stats: 34 Career Points and 2 Career Wins 
NARC Qualifier: 2014, 2015(F), 2016(F), 2017(W), 2018(F) 

Came to the line at 12:08 pm.

Flyer - Mully went out to the stubble corn field and quickly got his rooster pheasant.

Short Retired - Going down the hill and up to the right of the gap, he took a turn left into the heavy cover in the middle then went to the left tree line with the bird, but missed it. He got deep up and to the left side and hunted the heavy cover in the middle. Mully then went wide right before gonig back to his left to get the bird.

Middle Retired - He angled across the field to the tree line and moved past the bird down deep left of the blind. He hunted this area before getting back to the trees to move into the line to get his bird.

Long Retired - Mully took a line straight to the bird.