Sunday, November 11, 2018

Series Two and Three – Land Blind and Water Blind

The mat faces east south east. A gravel road runs east through the field with a large pond on the left and about 100 yards out form the line there is a small swim-by pond on the right. Between the water blind and the land blind there is a gunner sitting out by a hay bale, he just sits there.
The right side of the road is a field dotted with large hay bales and bordered by woods.

Series 2 is a water blind. The dog must run down the field and angle the road crossing into the pond just past a large point. They then swim out past a smaller point to the levee where the hen duck is placed at 200 yards.

Series 3 is a 165 yard land blind in the hay field from the mat there are a series of hay bales angling right away from the mat. The ideal line to this dead hen pheasant is to pass the first and second bales on the left skimming the third on the right. About 30 yards past the bale in a clump of cover, the pheasant is located.

This combination test is taking approximately 4 minutes a dog.

Water Blind – 200 yards

Land Blind – 165 yards
Thanks to Official Artist Jean Wu for this sketch of the 2nd and 3rd Series
Thanks to Grounds Chair David Colwell  for this aerial view diagram of the 2nd and 3rd Series