Thursday, November 15, 2018

Series Seven – Water Blind

Test Seven is a water blind at the Five Finger Pond. The mat faces NE. The wind is currently SW at 10 mph. The line to the bird skims left of a hay bale, on through a slot between two more hay bales. The dog then moves left of a point and into the water. He must swim to the first point, get up on the end and cast back into the water going to the left end of the next point. The dead hen mallard is located 265 yards from the line.

The extraordinary cold poses a problem with the dog wanting to swim. The next obstacle is that there is very little water behind the first point, encouraging the dogs to stay dry.

A log has been laid in the field close to the second set of bales. The handler is allowed to move up to this point to handle their dog.

Seventh Series Water Blind – 265 yards

Seventh Series Water Blind sketch by Official Artist Jean Wu

Aerial Diagram by Grounds Chair David Colwell