Saturday, November 17, 2018

Series 10 - Quad

The field for today's test is under a high power lines and is framed on the right by trees and to the left is a corn stubble field. The northwest portion of the field has strips of mowed cover and bales to are located to the front of the field.

The mat sits on a high edge of the field facing northwest with the winds east southeast at 5 mph shifting southeast. The sun is shining and it will be a cloudless day.

The first bird is a long retired at 370 yards thrown to the right into the corner of the timber break. This bird is a rooster pheasant.

The second bird, a short retired, is 195 yards from the mat. This hen pheasant is thrown to the left across a gap along the trees. The line for this bird goes through the mowed strip of heavy cover, past the bales and up to the break in the timber to the bird.

The third bird the middle retired. The hen duck lays at 210 yards thrown to the right into the base of the tree line.

The fourth and final bird is a rooster flyer. This rooster is at 155 yards shot to the left. The line to this flyer will be through the mowed strips of heavy cover and navigate through multiple hay bales to enter the corn field. (Please note: The Diagram and Sketch both show the flyer shot to the right … The Judges decided to change the direction to be shot to the left because it was being thrown into the wind and created a couple of no birds as a result.)

10th Series Land Quad
Long Retired – 370 yards
Short Retired – 195 yards
Middle Retired – 210 yards
Flyer – 155 yards

Tenth Series Land Quad sketch by Official Artist Jean Wu – THANKS for all your hard word this week, Jean!

The Tenth Series aerial diagram from Grounds Chair David Colwell – Thank you for all your hard work this week, David!!