Saturday, November 17, 2018

Rerun - 3. FC-AFC DOTTIE MCFIZZ, "Dot" LF, Ray Voigt

Black Lab Female, 2/11/2012
NFC-AFC Fresh Squeezed Juice ex FC-AFC Hardscrabble Carbunnation
Breeder: Judy Rasmuson
Owner: Nancy White, St. Ingatius, MT
Handler: Ray Voigt - Pro

Open Stats: 40 Career Points and 6 Career Wins
NRC Qualifier: 2016, 2017, 2018
Amateur Stats: 39 Career Points and 6 Career Wins
NARC Qualifier: 2016, 2017, 2018

Came to the line at 10:58 for their rerun.

Flyer - Dot took a couple of loops as she entered the corn stubble and got her bird.

Short Retired - Taking a few loops in the opening and checking through the cover, Dot then went in for her bird.

Middle Retired - Going through the strips and getting along the tree line, she followed it to her bird.

Long Retired - Dot went through the cover, running just to the right of the middle retired hay bale, she went straight to her bird.