Finding Old Posts from previous days …
In order to find an "older" post not on the main page or a seemingly "lost" post on the Retriever News Blog from days that have already past …
Here are some easy to follow instructions …
In order to find an "older" post not on the main page or a seemingly "lost" post on the Retriever News Blog from days that have already past …
Here are some easy to follow instructions …
For all of the Blogs useful tips and instructions, click the "Blog Instructions" tab above or go here:
For Smartphones and Devices ...
On a mobile phone, you can just keep scrolling down and looking through the posts, and click the arrow at the bottom to continue on, as shown here … *ALSO you can click "View web version" to be able to click on the archived dates as shown below for "Desktop and Laptop Computers"
For Desktop and Laptop Computers ...
First you scroll down and on the Left-hand side, under "Blog Archive" … you click on the drop down arrow for the Archived Day you are looking for and a list of Post Titles will show up for you to choose from.
Once you have selected a day, you can look through that days post titles. And if you get to the bottom of the list for that day and you still haven't seen the post you are looking for yet … you click on the last post on the bottom of that day. After that post opens, you go to the bottom of it and click on the ">Older" link below it. This will keep bringing you back one post at a time.
TIP: There can be A LOT of posts in each day, (125-200) and the column running down the left side will only show the titles of the last 100 posts of each day. So, it might be easier for you to use the “Labels” feature to find a post you are seeking, rather than clicking through each post one at a time…
The labels are categorized on the right side of the blog. So if you kind of know what you are looking for, for example, how Dog #25 did throughout the event, that’s the way to go! Just go to the labels and click (•25) and you will go directly to all of Dog #25’s posts in the event.