Friday, November 9, 2018

Cocktail Party at the Carroll Convention Center

We all reconvened back at the Carroll Convention Center in one of the upstairs ballrooms for the traditional Cocktail Party. Everyone had spruced themselves up and the evening's festivities were very well attended. Hostess Chair Dana Young created very special centerpieces utilizing old silver  tankard trophies engraved with placements from the olden days. Another unique touch were goldfish bowls lit from below glowing on several tables. The food and drinks were outstanding and we all had a great time. There was much conversation about the next day and what everyone would be wearing to keep warm. Please enjoy the following shots from the Carroll Convention Center!

L to R: Peggy Roegiers, Dave Smith and Steve Rogiers

Fran and Bobby Smith

Judge Charles Tyson and his wife

L to R: Ginger Cope, Jim Cope, Loren Morehouse and Jaimee Strange
Karen and Rich Pingatore (Happy Anniversary!)
Kathy and Johnny Armstrong
Mike Bott and Lester Langley
Lauren and Glen Curtis

Guess who? – F-O-X-X

Robby Bickley, Monte and Pam Wulf and Fred Rohrer