Friday, November 16, 2018

29. FC-AFC 3R'S MR T SMOKEN JOE, "Smokie" LM, Dave Rorem

Labrador male, 2/1/13
Owner: James Hurst
Breeders: Alexandra Washburn & Debra Bredenson
Lifetime Open Points: 28
Lifetime Open 1st Placements: 3

Came to the line at 4:15 pm.

Flyer - No problem with this bird.

Middle Retired - Nice exit but headed towards the tree line then made a left instead of a right. A couple of passes along the tree line and he has his bird.

Long Retired - Good line until he was even with the gunners. A right into the area of the fall for a few passes behind the gunners. Finally ending the hunt with a loop in the corn field to the bird.